Psychological Evaluations
- Understand & identify Learning Delays
- Document need for Extra Time & School Services
- Assess for ADHD, Anxiety, and Social Delays
- Monitor Medication Effects & Academic Progress
- School Readiness
Learning DIsabilities
If your child is one of the 20% of children with reading or learning delays, then early identification and remediation is key. Learning disabilities occur when a child with normal or advanced intellectual abilities has trouble thinking and learning in a specific area. An evaluation provides diagnostic information and recommendations so parents can ensure appropriate educational opportunities.
When impulsivity, careless mistakes and disorganization impact a child’s everyday life, a thorough Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) evaluation helps to uncover the underlying cause. The evaluation results can be used to differentiate between children with high-energy levels and children who meet diagnostic criteria for ADHD, which is especially important for parents considering medication.
Screening Evaluations
Early detection is vital for reducing the impact of learning and behavioral problems. When problems are addressed quickly, children can often avoid falling behind and developing poor habits. Screening evaluations provide basic information about whether a child needs learning or behavioral interventions. See screening evaluations for ADHD, Dyslexia, School Readiness, Anxiety & Social Skills.